Zhiyuan Ma, a Post-Doctoral fellow from the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) one year ahead of schedule in June 2023 (the first Ph.D. student in recent years to qualify for early graduation from HUST). During his Ph.D. stage, he has received many honors, including Ph.D. National Scholarship, Guanghua Scholarship, BIGO Corporate Scholarship, Outstanding Graduate Student Cadre, Merit Graduate Students, Zhiyin Pilot Scholar, Zhiyin Pillar Scholar-Academic Research Prize, etc. He was awarded the Best Paper of the First Annual Academic Conference of HUST-CS in 2022. He has focused on natural language processing, multimodal semantic understanding, visual-verbal large-scale pre-training, controlled multimodal generation, and task-based dialog systems in his direct doctoral studies, and his major work has been published in the top international conferences on artificial intelligence and natural language processing of the CCF-A and CCF-B categories, ACL, EMNLP, AAAI, ACM MM, and COLING, and he is the first author of all of them. Recently, his work CMAL in the field of multimodal pretraining has been cited and positively evaluated by the latest work of LeCun’s (Turing Award winner and Facebook’s Chief AI Scientist) team, which innovatively proposes the concept of cross-modal associative learning and pretraining methods, and makes new breakthroughs in modality-aligned visual-language pretraining.
Computer Software and Theory, Ph. D.
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2019-2023
Software Engineering, B. Sc.
North China Electric Power University, 2015-2019